Become a Member
Unlock free admission to ALL Games & Empower Athletes!
Your membership purchase is a donation fueling the success of your designated athletic team. See benefits and choose one today.
STEP 1/3: Select a Membership Level
Family Membership
Annual Family Membership Cards Household Member (maximum of five (5) cards and $10.00 for each additional residing household family member) gets one card and free access to all regular season home games and voting privileges for the current school year.
COST: $100.00
Single Membership
Annual Single Membership Cards Individual Member gets free access to all regular season home games and voting privileges for the current school year. If you watch 3 games or more in a year, it’s a better deal to select Family Level.
COST: $50.00
Gold Membership
Gold Membership Cards
Individual Member gets a lifetime of free access to all regular season home games and voting privileges.
COST: $1,000.00
Alternatively Mail-In Option
Download the membership form below (English or Spanish version) and submit via mail along with your check to the following address. (Still not sure how to do this? Let us know.)
Check Payment Information
Payable to ‘SCHS Cardinal Club‘
SCHS Cardinal Club
P.O. Box 1227
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Gold Members Honor Roll
Lifetime unlimited home game access & voting rights
*Courtney Pantos
*Marcus Pohlman
*Sarah Wickens – in honor of Brent Wickens